Kali Linux Password Wordlist

Cracking password hashes with a wordlist In this recipe, we will crack hashes using John the Ripper and the password lists. We will also work with a local shadow file from a Linux machine and we will try to recover passwords based off wordlists. 31 Dec HOW TO HACK WIFI WPA AND WPA2 WITHOUT USING WORDLIST IN KALI LINUX OR HACKING WIFI THROUGH REAVER Pentester Wifi Hacking; Tags: airmon-ng, airodump-ng, kali wifi hack, reaver, wash no comments. Nov 24, 2015 One of the better basic wordlists in Kali is /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz. To unzip simply run gzip -d /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt.gz. Be sure to add 'known weak' passwords that are used by the organization you are testing. I like to add these 'additional' custom passwords to the top so they are tested first. RSMangler will take a wordlist and perform various manipulations on it similar to those done by John the Ripper the main difference being that it will first take the input words and generate all permutations and the acronym of the words (in order they appear in the file) before it applies the rest of the mangles.

If you try to hack by brute forcing attack on password to login, or try to crack passwords hashes, you will need a good password list that fit your situation based on information you gathered about the target.

Crunch is the tool that do all of that for you, it is flexible and easy to customize based on password lengths , group of characters , even a combination of some words, or based on patterns !

01. Installing crunch :

crunch installed by default in kali linux and all other penetration testing distributions , but also available for almost any linux distribution :

for Debian / Ubuntu :

for Red hat / CentOS / Fedora :

02. using crunch :

Crunch can create a wordlist based on criteria you specify. The output from crunch can be sent to the screen, file, or to another program.

Usage: crunch <min> <max> [options]
where min and max are numbers

By default crunch use lower-case characters ,but we can customize as we want , and output to stream which can be redirected to a file using -o file option.

03. Simple crunch password list :

To create password list of lower-case chars from minimum 2 characters up to 4 characters and output to file named list :


Notice the list size is about 2 MB , and passwords counts is 475228 .

To create a list from custom characters (for example a combination of abc123) :

04. crunch password list based on character set :

crunch comes with predefined character set which stoed at /usr/share/crunch/charset.lst

read it to know the char set names :

To create a list based on char set of uppercase letters , use ualpha as char set name after selecting char set file path :

There is many predefined char set , explore it and use the required one , you may even define a custom char set if needed .

05. Crunch password list based on pattern :

you can use a pattern to match for more specific passwords, use -t followed by pattern :

-t @,%^
@ will insert lower case characters
, will insert upper case characters
% will insert numbers
^ will insert symbols

Example: to create a password list of 5 characters starting with uppercase, then lowercase letter, then one symbol , then tow numbers:

Kali Linux Wordlist Location

-t ,@^%%

Use the min , max numbers as the number of pattern chars.

06. Resume crunch task :

-r Tells crunch to resume generate words from where it left off.
-r only works if you use -o.
You must use the same command as the original command used to generate the words and append -r at the end.

Example: using the same above example

Did you notice , after press ctrl + C , it remeber the ending point , then use that point to start from as showing with bold text above !!
Very good for large list generation.

07. More about crunch :

that was the common used ways to use crunch, for more reading, read manual page , and read character set file to be familiar with.

That was it, i hope it was simple, thanks for joining me.
Enjoy !

We have listed down 900+ projects which hold thousands and millions of passwords and tools which you can use for your (Kali Linux) password lists.
The great part of this collection is that all of the projects are related to passwords.

This means that the projects that you find here are:

  • Massive password lists
  • Password tools
  • Password recovery tools

All of the mentioned items above have the password list included.

How to use password lists

Well, the list contains Github projects, and the cool thing with Github is, that it allows you to download the Github project locally. It is recommended to download the Github projects, and perform a query to get all of the passwords from those projects. Once you have your selection, you can make your password list for let’s say Kali Linux.

Password lists and the tools

There are many types of tools we can use for password cracking. Sometimes custom scripts will be written to perform this task. More often, default tools will be used which are available for free or already present in distributions like Kali Linux.

These are 10 top password cracking tools which you find in Kali Linux:

John the Ripper
John the Ripper is one of the better known password hacking tools and is available by default in Kali Linux. There are also Mac and Windows variants of John the Ripper.

John the Ripper is fully configurable according to your wishes and insight and combines different cracking methods and is specifically focused on cracking weak Linux passwords. Out-of-the-box, John the Ripper supports crypt (3), DES, MD5, Kerberos and many others.

Aircrack-NG is specially designed for recovering WiFi (WEP / WPA (2)) passwords. Aircrack-NG is a suite which consists of Airmon, Airodump and Aircrack. Aircrack-NG retrieves WiFi passwords by analyzing packets that are sent wirelessly.

Aircrack-NG is a command-line tool but there are several GUI-based scripts that use Aircrack-NG in the background, such as e.g. Fluxion.

Kali Linux Password Wordlist Tutorial

L0phtCrack is an alternative variant of OphCrack. OphCrack is a rainbow-table password cracking tool for Windows. L0phtCrack is also this, but offers multiple functions such as dictionary attacks and brute forcing.

L0phtCrack works on workstations, servers, network stations, AD etc. In addition, L0phtCrack offers configurable routine audits. L0phtCrack is a fantastic Windows password cracking tool.
Cain and Able
Remarkably, Cain and Able is only available for Windows systems and is used for cracking Windows passwords. However, Cain and Able can do a lot more than just recover Windows passwords.
Cain and Able can also act as a network sniffer or a Man-in-the-Middle proxy. But it can also record VoIP calls, perform cryptanalysis attacks, reveal password boxes, retrieve passwords from different caches, etc. Cain and Able works through dictionary attacks and brute-force attacks.

THC Hydra
THC Hydra is a web application cracking tool for recovering passwords. Medusa, Wfuzz and many other tools are available to crack web applications. However, THC Hydra is a great choice if you are trying to retrieve HTTP-FORM-GET and POST, HTTP-GET, HTTPS-GET, IMAP, ICQ, IRC, LDAP, MS-SQL, NNTP passwords.
These are not the only authentication methods that are supported. THC Hydra is incredibly fast and the functionality can be expanded through various modules. THC Hydra is available on almost all platforms.

Wfuzz is a web application password cracking tool. Wfuzz cracks passwords using brute-forcing but at the same time tries to find hidden resources such as scripts and dictionaries. Wfuzz supports the use of proxy and SOCKS and can be set to take a break after x number of requests. Generated output is a formatted HTML.

HashCat is perhaps the best-known password cracker. According to the documentation, Hashcat is one of the fastest password crackers because HashCat uses multi-threading and thus functions optimally on modern computers.
HashCat also supports multiple (maximum 128) GPUs and focuses on cracking passwords via dictionary attacks. HashCat can handle more than 150 algorithms including MD5, SHA-1, SHA-512, IKE-PSK, Kerberos 5 etc.

Crowbar (formerly Levye) is in my top 10 list because Crowbar supports algorithms that many popular password cracking tools do not support. Think of VNC Key Authentication, OpenVPN, SSP Private Key Authentication, RDP with NLA.
Crowbar uses brute-forcing methods. Crowbar also works differently from other tools. While many tools for SSH Brute Force use a username and password, Crowbar tries to use the SSH keys (if these can be intercepted).

Brutus is an older password cracking tool that has not been maintained for a while. Like Cain and Able, Brutus is only available for Windows. Despite its age, it can still be very handy in many cases.
Brutus supports the following authentications by default: HTTP (basic authentication & HTML Form / CGI), POP3, FTP, SMB, Telnet, IMAP, NNTP.

RainbowCrack is, as the name suggests, a hash-cracking tool based on rainbow tables. RainbowCrack uses a “large-scale time-memory trade off process” and therefore works very fast.

Rockyou Wordlist Kali Linux

RainbowCrack helps you generate the Rainbow tables, but the makers have also made various rainbow tables (LM, NTLM, MD5, SHA1) available for download which you can use for free.

Kali Wordlists Download

Download Password list projects